Wednesday, April 13, 2016

No Regrets!

Have you ever considered, even if only for 5 minutes, joining a direct sales company? What made you change your mind? Were you afraid of failure? Did you worry that it would take too much time? I, too, had those same misgivings! The thing that really changed my mind was MONEY- residual income! I was tired of living in overdraft, tired of living paycheque to paycheque, tired of limiting my purchases to what I needed versus what I WANTED. I started out just spending a few hours per week on my business and found I actually enjoyed it. I especially LOVED the extra income! I gradually began to spend more time on my business- but only when I felt like it. I still take days off and even weeks off if I'm busy with other activities. Basically what I'm trying to say is, if you don't try it, you'll never know if you could do it! I don't want to ever regret NOT doing something. If I try it and don't like it, at least I tried! That I would never regret! #monatrocks, #monatnewfoundland, #hawaiibound, #residualincome, #moneyinmypocket, #financialfreedom, #noregrets